What WE Do?

Guruji Web Services

Responsive Web Design & World Class best Content with SEO

We are a corporate entity whose sole motto is to accommodate new and growing businesses, provide them with best IT solutions, which in time would help them ascend their business transactions and growth. We try our best to provide optimized IT solutions that suit your business. Our team of IT professionals is cohesively trained in the art of consumer-centric relations. They help in understanding your e-business needs as well as giving you the latest solutions for your business that associates speed and consistency.

A Best website Design Solution

Web Development

Responsive Website Design

Having a website for businesses is an essential need nowadays. It brings you in front of the world live 24/7, disseminates information about you as to who you are, what you do, your vision, objective & goals. We take care of all of these in a design and format liked and approved by you.

Dynamic Web Design

We specifically deal in comprehensively designing every element of your website with resounding graphical details and exquisite cutting edge web art. We build your website from scratch, catering to all your specific demands and digital creative desires

E-commerce Solution

we offer an e-commerce solution that is designed in tune with your business activity. Our professionally designed e-commerce site comes with all modern state-of-art functions including product inventory, payment gateway & shopping cart integration, data backup

World Class

Content Writing

World Class Content writing

Our writers work with you in discovering vital elements of your business, and we act as a mediator in conveying the real dynamic of your business to your customers.

Blog Writing

We believe in enriching your website with utmost concise and eye-catching content that reflects the mantra of your business and that speaks maximum of your services.

Proof Reading

We make your content flawless as we boast a team of prolific, and suave writers that deal with crafting innumerable formal content for businesses.

Give a Rocket Speed to you business

Digital Marketing

SEO (Search engine optimization)

Search engine optimization works in promoting your business and in gathering worldwide recognition. Therefore, we aim to maximize the chances of your business popping up as a reliable option for your future customers.

Social Media Marketing & SMO

We look to incorporate your business with and on a multitude of social network platforms. Our squad of digital marketers and engineers coherently familiarize and acquaint your business universally.

Google Adds

Google adds is an online platform where you and your business can get fast viewership. Our team of experts have complete acumen, are technologically thorough and savvy in handling all of these for you.

Static websites are mostly informative in nature, are fixed and display the same content over and again for every user. They are usually easier to create.

A static website with eye-catching theme may look attractive on your desktop screen, but it may loose it’s shape or structure on tablets or smartphones. We design websites that are responsive, which in essence means quick adaptation to the screen of your client. As your web designer we possess the requisite skills, can develop websites for you that are extremely responsive.

A dynamic website may include several interactive features, is one that can display different content when a user interacts. It uses a database in the bank end to get the desired results, by data interaction depending upon the inputs from the user. As you can tell, dynamic websites are more complex than static websites, require more work and advanced programming skills.

SEO is an abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization, which in simple terms is directing the search engine to get you genuine customers for the services you offer. In general, it is the practice of increasing not only the quantity but also the quality of traffic to your websites. A properly executed SEO strategy can result in more organic results than unwanted ones.

In short and simple terms, digital marketing means advertising delivered through digital platforms such as your websites, social media promotions, email marketing, and mobile applications. Now a days consumers place heavy reliance on digital means to research goods and services, and if want your business to be found and stand out in the overcrowded marketplace it is imperative to have sound digital marketing strategy.

We can become your Partners in helping you achieve your goals. We will diligently hear you out, conceptualize your business, and come up with a digital prescription that will definitely help you succeed in your efforts. We can build for you a website that would have brilliant content, multiple functionalities, which would truly reflect your vision. Will also constantly work with you in promoting your business through a variety of available digital tools. We bring to the table years of professional experience and our philosophy of pursuit of excellence.
